EU-VRi is also reponsible for the economical evaluation of the use of alternative fuels. This economic analysis aims at a cost evaluation together with an evaluation of expected market availability, in order to gain insights into market expectations. To do so, EU-VRi will provide its expertise in Life Cycle Analysis, Life Cycle Costing, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Decoupling Indicators... Based on the Economical and Environmental evaluations, EU-VRi (with Airbus Operations SAS) will provide a synthesis in order to conclude the project. We will assemble the elements provided by the syntheses on relevant parameters into a final document, and participate to the ranking of the candidates, and selection of the most promising solutions.
European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, the European organization which provides the highest quality of professional service, consulting, information and education needed in the broad area of modern integrated risk management and management of emerging risks. EU-VRi covers, but is not limited, to the areas of oil and gas industry, e-health, biomedical industry, corporate social responsibility, environmental risk management, business risks, transport risks, logistics. EU-VRi is organized as an EEIG.
For more information see
European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRi) Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19 70174 StuttgartGermany
Phone: +49-711-1839-781 Fax: +49-711-1839-685 Secretary: +49-711-1839-616
Coordination Team:
Olivier Salvi and Bastien Caillard