Alfa-Bird, through the Workpackage 1.2 (IFP, DLR, SHELL, SASOL), submitted an article to the IASH Newsletter (The International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels).
Name of the article: ALFA-BIRD - Alternative Fuels and Biofuels for Aircraft Development
Authors: Laurie Starck and Nicolas Jeuland (IFP, France), Marina Braun-Unkhoff and Patrick Leclerq
(DLR, Germany), Paul Bogers (Shell, Netherlands), Olivier Salvi (EU-VRi, Germany)
Journal: IASH Newsletter No. 42 (The International Association for Stability, Handling
and Use of Liquid Fuels)
Editor: Melanie Thom – Newsletter Editor (IASH)
Year: 2010
Link to the journal: