July 24, 2013 |
Alfa-Bird has been identified as a success story by the European Commission. more |
November 11, 2011 |
SWAFEA workpackage reports have been published. more |
Relevant links
European Commission
Important documents related to the contract
FP7 legal documents
FP7 Grant Agreement including annexes
Guide for beneficiaries
Guide to Financial Issues relating to
FP7 Indirect Actions
Wiki explaining the preparation of the Periodic Report
R&D initiatives and networks
European Biofuels Technology Platform
The Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) - goal is to promote the
development of alternative fuel options that
offer equivalent levels of safety and
compare favorably with petroleum based jet
fuel on cost and environmental bases, with
the specific goal of enhancing security of
energy supply
Omega is a publicly funded partnership that offers impartial, innovative and topical insights into the environmental effects of the air transport industry and sustainability solutions.
The Network of Excellence ECATS is an expert group contributing to environmentally compatible air transport. With initial funding from the European Commission ECATS' scope is to contribute to the environmental goals of the Vision 2020 for Aeronautics and the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
BIOMAP is based on the use of electronic maps (such as Google Maps) and combined with a navigational structure linking interrelated entities. It will map activities on biofuels projects across different sectors and programmes
Website with information on trade fairs and congress on renewable energies
Enviro.aero has been established by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG). Its mission is to promote aviation’s sustainable growth for the benefit of global society.
Chevron's book about technical review of aviation fuels. Here you can find data on aviation turbine fuel performances, data about aviation gasoline composition etc.
Avantium is a leading technology company specialized in advanced high-throughput R&D for applications in the energy, chemicals and pharmaceutical industries.
Avantium focuses on developing products in two fields:
1. new biofuels and bio-based chemicals, and
2. new crystal forms of marketed drugs under patent.